Sunday, January 3, 2021

Backlist Thru the Decades 2021 Reading Challenge (#BacklistThruTheDecades)

 The Backlist Thru the Decades is a year-long reading challenge.

You can choose how you want to tackle this challenge:
*either monthly readathons: where you read as many books as you like from the specified decade

*or just read one per month

*you can skip months

*you can mix it up and read 1920s in September

*or just tally up at the end of the quarter or year: how many you have read

You don't have to complete all the challenges { I probably won't}, it's just an option.


>Video Challenges

1. Recommendation Videos

Recommend books for each decade. just simply list the decade and the titles and authors.
You can say something about it if you like. but no spoilers.

*look through your physical books                    *look through your goodreads

Your choice of:
[]single video  for all the decade   []a video per decade {12 vids}    []a video per 3 decades  {4 vids}

2. Want to Reads {per Decade}

same as recommendation video except you have not read these books, but want to

3. any kind of video you want for this challenge!

You have all year long, have fun! Create anything you want around this challenge!

>Photo Challenge  or get ready with me video

Dress up as that decade! and do a photo with your book. Film yourself getting ready for a video prompt too!


Backlist Thru the Decades    (#BacklistThruTheDecades)

January                              Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade 
" 1900s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

February             Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade                     

" 1910s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

March                  Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade 

" 1920s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

April                     Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade      

" 1930s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

May                      Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade      

" 1940s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

June                     Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade      

" 1950s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

July                       Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade      

" 1960s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

August                 Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade      

" 1970s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

September         Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade                     

" 1980s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

October               Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade                     

" 1990s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

November          Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade      

" 2000s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read

December           Book: ____________________________ Challenges: [  ]  Dress as that Decade                     

" 2010s "              [ ] Get Ready with Me [  ]  Recommendations -books read  [  ] Want to Reads -not read


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