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Basic book info:
Outlining Your Novel Workbook
Step by step Exercises for planning your best book
By K.M. Weiland
How I found the book, and why I wanted to read it:
I found this book by her blog, HelpingWritersBecomeAuthors.
I wanted to read it because I want to write novels,and since I like her blog I figured I would like her books. I have loved workbooks since I was kid, so I figured I would like this as well.
I bought the book on Amazon.com for $8.95. Amazon has a cool program that allows you buy the eBook version of the physical books you buy for a low price. I bought the eBook for $1.99 also.
My first impressions of the book before any reading:
The book measures 9 inches by 7.5 inches, the perfect size to tuck into a medium sized purse. Although for most frequent female readers, our purses our big enough to hold any size book. :)
The book is easy to carry and hold. It's not overly thick.
The cover image choice is fitting and perfect for the material. The color combo of the cover image is pleasing and calming.
The back cover is informative of the previous book that this workbook branches from, and the author's site is stated.
Questions that popped into my mind just from reading the covers:
Can the workbook be used without the first book?
Answer= yes, but you'll achieve more if you have the first book, and check out the resources that she lists in the book {an aspect of the book that I love, by the way}.
does the workbook make me want to read the original book, and her other books?
Answer= yes, yes, yes it does! At least for me anyhow. I could just gobble up her work!
My thoughts and things I noticed while using the workbook:
- I like how she included a list of the other books she wrote. One this list is good to add to my stimuli list, and two this would be something I'd want to do in my future books.
- One of the first prompts was "What if?", a simple question we sometimes forget to ask and forget the power this statement holds. I spent 30 minutes just asking myself "what if?" about various aspects of my novel idea.
- My "two sentence premise" became a book blurb {the back cover copy} on my first try. Of course it will need changes as I go, but I'm amused at my lack of containment.
- After doing the "log lines" from other character's point of views, I started to see some of the weaknesses in my original story idea. The prompts helped mt see the missing holes.
- Thinking about the "big moments" helped flesh out some of my ideas. I found 7 big moments just form my current partial story idea.
- [my story process] I'm still struggling with my main antagonist's motive. But if I could find a lsit of reasons that men fight with each other {not sports fighting - but real fighting= anger}.
- I like how she mentions resources with exact chapter numbers.
- I love the "Something to think about" questions
- I found myself swept up with the brainstorming and my story's weaknesses {missing aspects} became clearer with each prompt.
- I worked on the prompts from June 12th to June 22nd. I reached the point of character sketches- so far. Life has gotten in the way a bit, but I will continue to use the workbook through my writing process of this novel idea, and many others.
- One con: for the question "What is the single most important factor in discovering originality?"
I thought this question meant originality as in "finding your voice" as a writer. But I now believe she meant the story's originality.
So I suggest reading the following blog posts to help you answer this question:
The Single best trick for originality in your fiction
Let your story find it's own originality
the secret ingredient of original stories
the Myth of Originality
I highly suggest dedicating a large notebook or a binder to each story you plan to write. Then write your answers to this workbook's prompts in that notebook.
Doing the prompts in this workbook will inspire you to follow your muse independently from the workbook as times. If your in the zone, let it flow out of you. Don't fight this!! You can return to the prompts whenever. It's like a self study course.
Using this workbook has helped me organize my ideas better. Inspired me to sit and think about my story idea {got my muse talking to me}.
I highly recommend reading the Outlining Your Novel Workbook.
I'm sure I will gain a lot of insight from her other workbook, Structuring your Novel workbook.
Things you need to check out!:
Get this workbook! Outlining Your Novel Workbook
Poke around K.M Weiland's blog! HelpingWritersBecomeAuthors
Check out her website! https://www.kmweiland.com/
Follow her: https://twitter.com/KMWeiland